The Cave of Time

(Data and visualization adapted from Jeremy Douglass' Transverse Reading Gallery.)

General statistics

Pages of text108
Monotone paths28
Average pages read8.7
Shortest path (1)6: [2, 3, 5, 16, 25, 41]
Longest path (2)14: [2, 3, 5, 6, 22, 23, 36, 11, 12, 66, 70, 71, 72, 73]
Most likely endings (4)[51] (6.2% probability)
Least likely endings (5)[90, 91, 97, 100] (0.52% probability)
Average ending quality2.96
  1. You enter the Cave of Time, take a passageway to meet the old man, and return to your own time.
  2. You enter the Cave of Time, exit in medieval times and are imprisoned in the tower, escape from the tower and make a living fishing in the village, encounter the Loch Ness monster, find an underground cave with large eggs, return to the present, and the egg is stolen.
  3. You end up in the jungle and find your way home; you reunite with your friends but find out you traveled 11 years into the future!
  4. You end up back in your own time (90), you are eaten by a dinosaur (91), you end up living in Civil War times (97), you settle in the Old West (100).

Interesting pages

Pages reachable multiple ways[11, 25, 61]
Pages with more than 2 choices25 (4 endings),10 (3 endings),55 (3 endings)


Unweighted path frequencies

Weighted path frequencies

Unweighted ending quality frequencies

Weighted ending quality frequencies

Outgoing pages

Incoming pages