Journey Under the Sea

(Data and visualization adapted from Jeremy Douglass' Transverse Reading Gallery.)

General statistics

Pages of text102
Monotone paths42
Average pages read7.4
Shortest path (1)5: [2, 3, 6, 12, 19]
Longest path (2)24: [2, 3, 5, 8, 15, 27, 39, 57, 79, 50, 67, 6, 10, 17, 33, 46, 48, 9, 16, 29, 43, 60, 82, 112]
Cycles (3)(6, 10, 18, 34, 48, 9, 14, 28, 42, 6)(6, 10, 17, 33, 46, 48, 9, 14, 28, 42, 6)
Most likely endings (3)[19, 21] (15% probability)
Least likely endings (4)[105, 106] (0.2% probability)
Average ending quality1.71
  1. You go for a walk on an undersea ledge; see a giant squid attacking the Seeker; and are eaten by a shark.
  2. You explore a canyon, investigate bubbles coming from an extremely deep hole in the ground, and return to the surface. On the way, you are suddenly drawn into a grotto and greeted by Atlanteans. You join their society, but look for an opportunity to escape. You manage to escape and try to reach the surface, but are trapped in seaweed. You ultimately are rescued, and decide to dive again the next day. You go for a walk on an undersea ledge and see a giant squid attacking the Seeker. You escape back to the surface, but get the bends. After recovering, you dive yet again, and discover an ancient Greek ship on the seabed. You return to the surface to report your findings. You dive again the next day, and find a portal that you suspect leads to Atlantis. You turn on a laser light for greater illumination, and find a submarine that had disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. You enter the submarine, and a voice in your head tells you that there are two groups of Atlanteans, one good and the other evil. You encounter a group that reports oppression at the hands of their king, and invite you to join their revolt. The king, by contrast, offers you a position in his government. You refuse, but an impending disaster forces everyone to work together to meet the threat.
  3. Squid attack, you escape by getting help from a dolphin. You dive again the next day, finding a grotto. You transmit a radio message, and receive a response that invites you in, but warns you cannot leave. You retreat, and dive again the next day: squid attack. The second cycle is similar but involves a different escape path from the squid.
  4. You are eaten by a shark (19) or suffer a debilitating case of the bends (21).
  5. You discover a secret scientific research base (105) or military base (106).

Interesting pages

Pages reachable multiple ways[6, 9, 32, 48, 50, 55, 63]
Unreachable pages[111]
Pages with more than 2 choices64 (3 endings)
Nonstandard endings74: If you don't like this ending, turn to page 107.
76: If you don't like this ending, turn to page 108.
96: If not, The End.


Unweighted path frequencies

Weighted path frequencies

Unweighted ending quality frequencies

Weighted ending quality frequencies

Outgoing pages

Incoming pages