CE 3500

Transportation Engineering

Spring 2011

This course is designed to teach students the basics of transportation engineering, including planning, operations, and design. Notes, homeworks, and practice exams will be posted here as the semester progresses.


Information on group assignments (including group listing)


Group Assignments

Notes and Utilities

Old Exams

Caveat: Each time I teach CE 3500 is a little bit different, so there may be some questions in these old exams on material which is not covered in the current course. Don't be distressed if you see something unfamiliar, just take it as an example of the type of questions I ask, and move on.
  • Exam 1: old exams 1 and 2. Answers to exams 1 and 2.
  • Exam 2: old exams 1 and 2. Answers to exams 1 and 2.

Lecture Slides

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