Research Group
Here you can find more information about the lab members who help me with my
research, and about some of their own research activities.
[Alumni and Theses]
Current Postdoc

| Lu Xu
Ph.D., Transportation Systems Engineering, University of California, Irvine, 2022
M.S., Transportation Systems Engineering, University of California, Irvine, 2022
M.S., Traffic and Transportation Planning and management, Beijing Jiaotong University, 2016
B.S., Optical Information Science and Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, 2013
lu.xu at austin dot utexas dot edu
Dr. Xu is a Postdoc Research Fellow. Her research interests
focus on the impact of emerging information communication technologies on transportation. Her Ph.D.
studies particularly focused on the impact of online shopping on household travel before, during,
and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Now she is also interested in developing evacuation strategies for
the Houston area in the face of potential natural hazards, as well as investigating the influence of
electric vehicles on the current power grid. In her free time, she enjoys going to the gym, hiking,
and other outdoor activities.
Current Graduate Students

| Debojjal Bagchi
B.S., Earth and Environmental Science (major); Mathematics (minor), Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, 2023
debojjalb at utexas dot edu
Debojjal joined Dr. Boyles' group in Fall 2023 as a graduate student. As an undertraduate, he worked on
sustainable operations, reverse logistics network design and variants of the traveling salesman problem.
His current research interests lie in transportation network analysis, sustainable operations,
traffic routing, congestion pricing, and tolling. He commonly uses metaheuristics and mathematical programming as
solution techniques to his problems. He also enjoys playing chess, is learning to play the guitar, and runs a budding
YouTube channel. With a passion for exploring new places, he's always enthusiastic about planning or embarking on a trip.

| Kyle Bathgate
M.S.E., Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2021
B.S., Civil Engineering, The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2019
kyle.bathgate at austin dot utexas dot edu
Kyle joined Dr. Boyles' group in Spring 2023, after previously working in the Resilient Infrastructure and Smart
Cities (RISC) Lab of the late Dr. Zhanmin Zhang. His previous work has focused on assessing the resilience of
maritime port systems and hurricane evacuation safety and efficiency. He is interested in researching the impacts
of climate change and extreme weather events on large-scale transportation systems. He enjoys running, swimming,
and playing guitar in his free time.

| Shidong Pan
M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017
B.S., Transportation Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, 2016
shidong.pan at austin dot utexas dot edu
Shidong joined Dr. Boyles' group in Spring 2023. He has background in optimization, travel demand modeling
and toll revenue studies. His current research interest is resilient infrastructure systems, interconnected
infrastructure systems and smart cities.

| Jake Robbennolt
M.S.E., Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2024
B.S., Civil Engineering, The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2022
jr73453 at utexas dot edu
Jake joined Dr. Boyles’ group in 2022. As and undergraduate, he focused on analytical evaluation of traffic control
systems such as max-pressure traffic signal control and maximum throughput SAV dispatch. He also worked on evaluation
methodologies for active traffic management systems such as queue warning. His current research interests include
network modeling and optimization, autonomous vehicles, and intelligent transportation systems.
Past Postdocs and Present Coordinates
- Alireza Khani (PhD, University of Arizona). Currently Associate Professor at University of Minnesota.
Past Graduate Students and Present Coordinates
Undergraduate Students
- Doyun Lee, The University of Texas at Austin, Spring 2025-present
- Dylan Croteau, The University of Texas at Austin, Summer 2024-present
- Christian Douglas, The University of Texas at Austin, Spring 2020-Spring 2022
- Rishabh Thakkar, The University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2018-Spring 2022
- Karthik Velayutham, The University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2018-Spring 2022
- James Lentz, The University of Texas at Austin, Summer 2018-Spring 2020
- Mohammad Zaidi, The University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2018-Spring 2019
- Kristopher Holder, The University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2018
- Shannon Scott, The University of Texas at Austin, Summer 2018-Spring 2019
- Anthony Battista, University of Massachussetts Amherst, Summer 2017
- Mathias Hanssen, The University of Texas at Austin, Summer 2017
- Tejas Chaudhary, The University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2015-Spring 2018
- Rahul Patel, The University of Texas at Austin, Summer 2015-Spring 2017
- Mark Stahl, The University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2015-Fall 2018
- Diego Neri, The University of Texas at Austin, Summer 2016
- Jesus Osorio, Valparaiso University, Summer 2016
- Hagen Fritz, The University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2015-Spring 2016
- Rebecca Hutchinson, The University of Texas at Austin, Summer 2015-Summer 2016
- Rachel Allensworth, The University of Texas at Austin, Spring-Summer 2014
- Reese Hatridge, The University of Texas at Austin, Summer 2013
- Peter Kozey, Vanderbilt University, Summer 2013
- Kimberly Selph, Washington State University, Summer 2012
- Alexandra Dukeman, University of Wyoming, Summer 2011
- Hannah Olsen, University of Wyoming, Summer 2011
- Chris Melson, University of Wyoming, Summer 2010
- Rebecca Franke, University of Kentucky, Summer 2010
Group Activities
Click for full size.
Birthday party, Fall 2019
Potluck, Fall 2018
Priyadarshan Patil, intramural racquetball champion, Fall 2018
Hiking at Turkey Creek, Fall 2018
Hiking at Turkey Creek, Fall 2018
Birthday party, Fall 2018
Transportation Technology Tournament, Summer 2018
Potluck, Spring 2018
Longhorn Run, Spring 2018
Birthday party, Fall 2017
Ehsan's farewell, Summer 2017
Racquetball, Summer 2017
Willem's farewell, Spring 2017
Longhorn Run, Spring 2017
Potluck, Fall 2016
Racquetball, Summer 2016
Tarun's farewell, Summer 2016
Rachel's (temporary) farewell, Summer 2016
Potluck, Spring 2016
Potluck, Fall 2015
Potluck, Summer 2015
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