This page includes links to research papers and technical reports I've written.
Feel free to email (sboyles at austin dot utexas dot edu )
if you want to discuss these papers or collaborate on a research idea.
You can also contact me if you want a preprint of any of these papers,
or if you are having trouble accessing them.
[Journal Publications]
[Book Chapters]
[Conference Proceedings]
[Technical Reports]
See our lab Github for some code, including tap-b, a fast solver for static traffic assignment.
For theses written by graduate students, please see the group page.
I mainly do research in transportation networks, and in applying
optimization techniques to transportation systems. If you don't
know me, I've chosen the following papers to represent the type
of work I do. I'm particularly proud of each of these for
some reason or another - they are not all among my most cited work,
but they express my research personality well.
- Boyles, S. D., N. E. Lownes, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2021)
Transportation Network Analysis, Volume I: Static and Dynamic Traffic Assignment.
This is an open-access textbook I have been writing for several years, based on the
graduate courses I teach. It's currently in an open beta phase, so any comments or
suggestions you can provide are very welcome!
- Boyles, S. D., and N. Ruiz Juri. (2019)
Queue spillback and demand uncertainty in dynamic network loading.
Transportation Research Record 2673, 38-48. Finalist, 2019 Stella Dafermos Award.
Transportation models tend to get more and more complex over time.
This paper is a bit of a "minority report" in arguing that simplicity is a virtue:
in traffic flow, queue spillback makes a model more "realistic" but also more subject to error.
If you don't know the model inputs well, you're better off using a simpler model without spillback.
- Jafari, E., V. Pandey, and S. D. Boyles. (2017)
A decomposition approach to the static traffic assignment problem.
Transportation Research Part B 105, 270-296.
This paper shows how the static traffic assignment problem can be solved by partitioning
a network into geographic regions. Smaller assignments can be performed on these regions,
alternating with "master" iterations on a simplified model of the full network.
We prove that this method always converges to the correct solution in the full network.
If the network has a clear partitioning (like a river bisecting the network), run times are
substantially reduced. We are currently looking at how best to partition networks when
there is no obvious way to do so.
- Boyles, S. D., S. Tang, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2015)
Parking search equilibrium on a network.
Transportation Research Part B 81, 390-409.
A surprising amount of congestion is due to drivers searching for parking. This paper
presents a model for such congestion: drivers search for parking based on their experience
of where available spaces are likely to be found. But the likelihood of finding parking
at any spot depends on everybody else's search strategies. The resulting model has some
neat mathematical features; it is a network flow problem with nonlinear conservation
equations. When we wrote this, I had not seen such a structure before. Since then, I've
learned there are parallels with telecommunication systems and queueing networks.
- Khani, A. and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
An exact algorithm for the mean-standard deviation shortest path problem.
Transportation Research Part B 81, 252-266.
The classical shortest path problem is easy. Minimizing mean travel time in a stochastic
network is also easy, and so is minimizing a weighted sum of mean travel time and variance.
Minimizing a weighted sum of mean travel time and standard deviation is harder
(indeed NP-hard), because the square root breaks Bellman's subpath optimality principle.
However, the mean-variance and mean-standard deviation problems are closely related,
and we show that the efficient frontier of the latter is a subset of the efficient frontier
of the former. This leads to a nice parametric search algorithm based on reoptimizing
previously-found solutions. (There is a more recent paper by
Zhang et al.
showing even better results with an enhanced parametric search.)
- Boyles, S. D. (2012)
Bush-based sensitivity analysis for approximating subnetwork diversion.
Transportation Research Part B 46, 139-155.
This paper was the foundation of my NSF CAREER grant, suggesting that "subnetwork" models should
not be treated as independent of the full network. Rather, augmenting the subnetwork with a simplified
representation of the full network improves the consistency of the resulting solution.
I'm particularly fond of the solution methods proposed here: one draws connections to Kirchhoff's laws
in electric circuits and reductions from graph theory, and the other makes use of some fun linear algebra tricks.
We later found better ways to solve this problem in practice (see
this follow-up paper
with Ehsan Jafari) but I still like the connections this paper made to other domains.
The following papers are currently under review or preparation.
I am working on uploading preprints; for now if
no link is provided, contact me if you want a copy.
Journal Publications
- Crocker, A. J., and S. D. Boyles.
Balancing solution time and quality in disaster recovery sequencing.
Accepted for publication in Journal of Infrastructure Systems.
- Robbennolt, J., L. Xu, K. Bathgate, S. Pan, and S. D. Boyles.
Identifying critical locations for traffic monitoring devices during hurricane evacuations.
Accepted for publication in Journal of Infrastructure Systems.
- Zhu, T., S. D. Boyles, and A. Unnikrishnan.
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle traveling salesman problem with drone.
Accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record.
- Xu, L., K. Bathgate, J. Robbennolt, J. Sun, S. Pan, Z. Han, and S. D. Boyles. (2024)
Understanding the utilization of real-time traffic information during hurricane evacuations in Texas.
Transportation Research Record 2678, 1177--1191.
- Chauhan, D., A. Unnikrishnan, S. D. Boyles, and P. N. Patil. (2024)
Robust maximum flow network interdiction considering uncertainties in arc capacity and resource consumption.
Annals of Operations Research 335, 689--725.
- Zhu, T., S. D. Boyles, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2024)
Battery electric vehicle traveling salesman problem with drone.
Networks and Spatial Economics, 49-97.
- Preisser, M., P. Passalacqua, R. P. Bixler, and S. D. Boyles. (2023)
A network-based analysis of critical resource accessibility during floods.
Frontiers in Water 5, 1278205.
- Gokalp, C., S. D. Boyles, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2023)
Mean-standard deviation model for minimum cost flow problem.
Networks 81, 378--398.
- Chauhan, D. R., A. Unnikrishnan, M. A. Figliozzi, and S. D. Boyles. (2023)
Robust multi-period maximum coverage facility location problem considering coverage reliability.
Transportation Research Record 2677, 98-114.
- Patil, P. N., Walthall, R., and S. D. Boyles.
Budget-constrained rail electrification modeling using symmetric traffic assignment - a North American case study.
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 28, 04022007.
- Chauhan, D. R., A. Unnikrishnan, and S. D. Boyles. (2022)
Maximum profit facility location and dynamic resource allocation for instant delivery logistics.
Transportation Research Record 2676, 697--710.
- Yahia, C. N., S. Scott, S. D. Boyles, and C. Claudel.
Unmanned aerial vehicle path planning for traffic estimation and detection of non-recurrent congestion.
Transportation Letters 14, 849-862.
- Zhu, T., S. D. Boyles, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2022)
Two-stage robust facility location problem with drones.
Transportation Research Part C 137, 103563.
- Shao, Y., M. W. Levin, S. D. Boyles, and C. Claudel. (2022)
Semi-analytical computation of solutions to the Lighthill-Whitham-Richards equation with switched triangular diagrams: application to variable speed limit control.
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 19, 473-485.
- Gokalp, C., P. N. Patil, and S. D. Boyles. (2021)
Post-disaster recovery sequencing strategy for road networks.
Transportation Research Part B 153, 228-245.
- Patil, P. N., K. C. Ross, and S. D. Boyles. (2021)
Convergence behavior for traffic assignment characterization metrics.
Transportmetrica Part A 17, 1244-1271.
- Yahia, C. N., G. de Veciana, S. D. Boyles, J. A. Rahal, and M. Stecklein. (2021)
Book-ahead and supply management for ridesourcing platforms.
Transportation Research Part C 130, 103266.
- Venkatraman, R., S. D. Boyles, R. James, A. Unnikrishnan, and P. Patil. (2021)
Adaptive routing behavior with real-time information under multiple travel objectives.
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 10, 100395.
- Chauhan, D. R., A. Unnikrishnan, M. Figliozzi, and S. D. Boyles.
Robust maximum coverage facility problem with drones considering uncertainties in battery availability and consumption.
Transportation Research Record 2675, 25-39.
- Pandey, V., E. Wang, and S. D. Boyles.
Deep reinforcement learning algorithm for dynamic pricing of express lanes with multiple access locations.
Transportation Research Part C 119, 102715.
- Levin, M. W., and S. D. Boyles. (2020)
Optimal guidance algorithms for parking search with reservations.
Networks and Spatial Economics 20, 19-45.
- Patel, R., P. Venkatraman, and S. D. Boyles. (2019)
Optimal placement of reservation-based intersections in urban networks.
Transportation Research Record 2673, 781-792.
- Pandey, V., and S. D. Boyles. (2019)
Comparing route choice models for managed lane networks with multiple entrances and exits.
Transportation Research Record 2673, 381-393.
- James, R., B. E. Hammit, and S. D. Boyles. (2019)
Methods to obtain representative car-following model parameters from trajectory-level data for use in microsimulation.
Transportation Research Record 2673, 62-73.
- Levin, M. W., H. Smith, and S. D. Boyles. (2019)
A dynamic four-step planning model of empty repositioning trips for personal autonomous vehicles.
Journal of Transportation Engineering 145.
- Boyles, S. D., and N. Ruiz Juri. (2019)
Queue spillback and demand uncertainty in dynamic network loading.
Transportation Research Record 2673, 38-48. Finalist, 2019 Stella Dafermos Award.
- Perrine, K., M. W. Levin, C. N. Yahia, M. Duell, and S. D. Boyles. (2019)
Implications of traffic signal security on potential deliberate traffic disruptions.
Transportation Research Part A 120, 58-70.
- Lukose, E., M. W. Levin, and S. D. Boyles. (2019)
Incorporating insights from signal optimization into reservation-based intersection controls.
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 23, 250-264.
- Xie, C., X. Wu, and S. D. Boyles. (2019)
Traffic equilibrium with a continuously distributed bound on travel weights: the rise of range anxiety and mental account.
Annals of Operations Research 273, 279-310.
- Pandey, V., and S. D. Boyles. (2018)
Dynamic pricing for managed lanes with multiple entrances and exits.
Transportation Research Part C 96, 304-320.
- Yahia, C. N., V. Pandey, and S. D. Boyles.
Network partitioning algorithms for solving the traffic assignment problem using a decomposition approach.
Accepted for publication in Transportation Research Record.
- Bansal, P., R. Shah, and S. D. Boyles.
Robust network pricing and system optimization under combined long-term stochasticity and elasticity of travel demand.
Transportation 45, 1389-1418.
- Melson, C., M. W. Levin, B. Hammit, and S. D. Boyles. (2018)
Dynamic traffic assignment of cooperative adaptive cruise control.
Transportation Research Part C 90, 114-133.
- Marshall, J., A. Bhasin, S. D. Boyles, B. David, R. James, and A. Patrick. (2018)
A project based cornerstone course in civil engineering: student perceptions and identity development.
Advances in Engineering Education 6, 1-23.
- Shahabi, M., A. Tafreshian, A. Unnikrishnan, and S. D. Boyles. (2018)
Joint production-inventory-location problem with correlated demand.
Transportation Research Part B 110, 60-78.
- Rambha, T., S. D. Boyles, A. Unnikrishnan, and P. Stone. (2018)
Marginal cost pricing for system optimal traffic assignment with recourse under supply-side uncertainty.
Transportation Research Part B 110, 104-121.
- Simoni, M., P. Bujanovic, S. D. Boyles, and E. Kutanoglu. (2018)
An evaluation of urban consolidation center solutions considering location, fleet and route choice.
Case Studies on Transport Policy 6, 112-124.
- Jafari, E., and S. D. Boyles. (2017)
On-line charging and routing of electric vehicles in stochastic time-varying networks.
Transportation Research Record 2667, 61-70. Finalist, 2017 Stella Dafermos Award.
- Levin, M. W., E. Jafari, R. Shah, and S. D. Boyles. (2017)
Network-based model for predicting the effect of fuel price on transit ridership and greenhouse gas emissions.
Journal of Advanced Transportation 6, 272-286.
- Jafari, E., V. Pandey, and S. D. Boyles. (2017)
A decomposition approach to the static traffic assignment problem.
Transportation Research Part B 105, 270-296.
- Jafari, E. and S. D. Boyles. (2017)
Multicriteria stochastic shortest path problem for electric vehicles.
Networks and Spatial Economics 17, 1043-1070.
- Sharon, G., M. W. Levin, J. P. Hanna, T. Rambha, S. D. Boyles, and P. Stone. (2017)
Network-wide adaptive tolling for connected and automated vehicles.
Transportation Research Part C 84, 142-157.
- Levin, M. W., T. Li, S. D. Boyles, and K. M. Kockelman. (2017)
A general framework for modeling shared autonomous vehicles, with dynamic ride-sharing and dynamic traffic assignment application.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 64, 373-383.
- Rambha, T. and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
Dynamic pricing in discrete time stochastic day-to-day route choice models.
Transportation Research Part B 92A, 104-118.
- Duell, M., M. W. Levin, S. D. Boyles, and S. T. Waller. (2016)
The impact of autonomous vehicles on traffic management: the case of dynamic lane reversal.
Transportation Research Record 2567, 87-94. Finalist, 2016 Stella Dafermos Award.
- Patel, R., M. W. Levin, and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
Effects of autonomous vehicle behavior on arterial and freeway networks.
Transportation Research Record 2561, 9-17 .
- Levin, M. W., H. Fritz, and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
On optimizing reservation-based intersection controls.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 99, 1-11.
- Rambha, T., S. D. Boyles, and S. T. Waller. (2016)
Adaptive transit routing in stochastic time-dependent networks.
Transportation Science 50, 1043-1059.
- Levin, M. W., R. Patel, and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
Paradoxes of reservation-based intersection controls in traffic networks.
Transportation Research Part A 90, 14-25.
- Boyles, S. D., and T. Rambha.
A note on detecting unbounded instances of the online shortest path problem.
Networks 31, 86-99.
- Levin, M. W., and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
A cell transmission model for dynamic lane reversal with autonomous vehicles.
Transportation Research Part C 68, 126-143.
- Levin, M. W., and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
A multiclass cell transmission model for shared human and autonomous vehicle roads.
Transportation Research Part C 62, 103-116.
- Levin, M. W., and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
Improving bus routing for KIPP Charter Schools.
Interfaces 46, 196-199.
- Levin, M., S. D. Boyles, J. Duthie, and C. Matthew Pool. (2016)
Demand profiling for dynamic traffic assignment by integrating departure time choice and trip distribution.
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 31, 86-99.
- Jafari, E., and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
Improved bush-based methods for network contraction.
Transportation Research Part B 83, 298-313.
- Levin, M. W. and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
Intersection auctions and reservation-based control in dynamic traffic assignment.
Transportation Research Record 2497, 35-44.
- Levin, M. W. and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
Effects of autonomous vehicle ownership on trip, mode, and route choice.
Transportation Research Record 2493, 29-38.
- Boyles, S. D., S. Tang, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2015)
Parking search equilibrium on a network.
Transportation Research Part B 81, 390-409.
- Khani, A. and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
An exact algorithm for the mean-standard deviation shortest path problem.
Transportation Research Part B 81, 252-266.
- Nezamuddin and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
A continuous DUE algorithm using the link transmission model.
Networks and Spatial Economics 15, 465-483.
- Stephens, K, J. Ford, E. Jafari, and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
Increasing evacuation communication through ICTs: an agent-based model demonstrating evacuation practices and the resulting traffic congestion in the rush to the road.
Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 12, 497-528.
- Shahabi, M., A. Unnikrishnan, and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
Robust optimization strategy for the shortest path problem under uncertain link travel cost distribution.
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 30, 433-448.
- Agrawal, S. K., S. D. Boyles, N. Jiang, M. Shahabi, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2015)
Network route choice model for battery electric vehicle drivers with different risk attitudes.
Transportation Research Record 2498, 75-83.
- Levin, M., S. D. Boyles, and Nezamuddin. (2015)
Warm-starting dynamic traffic assignment with static solutions.
Transportmetrica Part B 3, 99-113.
- Tang, S., S. D. Boyles, and N. Jiang. (2015)
High speed rail cost recovery time based on an integer optimization model.
Journal of Advanced Transportation 49, 634-647.
- Mishra, S., M. Golias, S. Sharma, and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
Optimal funding allocation strategies for safety improvements on urban intersections.
Transportation Research Part A 75, 113-133.
- Gardner, L. M., S. D. Boyles, H. Bar-Gera, and K. Tang. (2015)
Robust tolling schemes for high-occupancy/toll (HOT) facilities under variable demand.
Transportation Research Record 2450, 152-162.
- Boyles, S. D., T. Rambha, and C. Xie. (2015)
Equilibrium analysis of low-conflict network designs.
Transportation Research Record 2467, 129-139.
- Tang, S., T. Rambha, R. Hatridge, S. D. Boyles, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2015)
Modeling parking search on a network using stochastic shortest paths with history dependence.
Transportation Research Record 2467, 73-79. Winner, 2015 Fred Burggraf Award
- Gemar, M., J. Bringardner, S. D. Boyles, and R. Machemehl. (2015)
Subnetwork analysis for dynamic traffic assignment models: a strategy for estimating demand at subnetwork boundaries.
Transportation Research Record 2466, 153-161.
- Boyles, S. D. (2015)
Equity and network-level maintenance scheduling.
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 4(1), 175-193.
- Shahabi, M., A. Unnikrishnan, E. J. Shirazi, and S. D. Boyles. (2014)
A three-level location-inventory problem with correlated demand.
Transportation Research Part B 69, 1-18.
- Saha, P., R. Liu, C. Melson, and S. D. Boyles. (2014)
Network model for rural roadway tolling with pavement deterioration and repair.
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 29(5), 315-329.
- Melson, C., J. Duthie, and S. D. Boyles. (2014)
Influence of bridge facility attributes on bicycle travel behavior.
Transportation Letters 6(1), 46-54.
- Shahabi, M., A. Unnikrishnan, and S. D. Boyles. (2013)
An outer approximation algorithm for the robust shortest path problem.
Transportation Research Part E 58, 52-66.
- Gardner, L. M., H. Bar-Gera, and S. D. Boyles. (2013)
Development and comparison of choice models and tolling schemes for high-occupancy/toll (HOT) facilities.
Transportation Research Part B 55, 142-153.
- Lin, D.-Y., S. D. Boyles, V. Valsaraj, and S. T. Waller. (2012)
Fuzzy reliability assessment for traffic data.
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 35, 285-297.
- Boyles, S. D. (2012)
Bush-based sensitivity analysis for approximating subnetwork diversion.
Transportation Research Part B 46, 139-155.
- Boyles, S. D. and S. T. Waller. (2011)
Optimal information location for adaptive routing.
Networks and Spatial Economics 11, 233-254.
- Boyles, S. D., A. Voruganti, and S. T. Waller. (2011)
Quantifying distributions of freeway operational metrics.
Transportation Letters 2, 21-36.
- Gardner, L. M., S. D. Boyles, and S. T. Waller. (2011)
Quantifying the benefit of responsive pricing and travel information in the stochastic congestion pricing problem.
Transportation Research Part A 45, 204-218.
- Boyles, S. D., K. Kockelman, and S. T. Waller. (2010)
Congestion pricing under operational, supply-side uncertainty.
Transportation Research Part C 10, 519-535.
- Boyles, S. D., S. T. Waller. (2010)
A mean-variance model for the minimum cost flow problem with stochastic arc costs.
Networks 56, 215-227.
- Boyles, S. D., Z. Zhang, and S. T. Waller. (2010)
Optimal maintenance and repair policies under nonlinear preferences.
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 16, 11-20.
- Boyles, S. D., A. Karoonsoontawong, D. Fajardo, and S. T. Waller. (2008)
Two-phase model of ramp closure for incident management.
Transportation Research Record 2047, 83-90.
- Boyles, S. D., S. T. Waller. (2007)
A stochastic delay prediction model for real-time incident management.
ITE Journal 77, 18-24.
Book Chapters
- Boyles, S. D. (2020)
Advanced traveler information systems.
In International Enyclopedia of Transportation, R. Vickerman, ed.
- Rambha, T., E. Jafari, and S. D. Boyles. (2019)
Transportation network issues in evacuations.
In New Media in Times of Crisis, Keri K. Stephens, ed., Routledge, New York, NY.
- Boyles, S. D. and S. T. Waller. (2011)
Traffic network analysis and design.
In Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research, James J. Cochran, ed.
Conference Proceedings
- Bathgate, K., D. Bagchi, and S. D. Boyles. (2025)
Use of Automatic Identification System data to characterize vessel mix in Houston port operations for simulation.
104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Bagchi, D., K. Bathgate, and S. D. Boyles. (2025)
A queueing-theory based operating capacity model for multimodal port operations.
104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Robbennolt, J., D. Robbennolt, and S. D. Boyles. (2025)
A relaxed singly constrained static traffic assignment model with elastic demand: application to telework and urban development scenarios in Austin, TX.
104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Alexander, W., and S. D. Boyles. (2025)
Improved pressure functions for iterative traffic signal timing optimization in a static route choice environment.
104th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Robbennolt, J., J. Mohammadi, and S. D. Boyles. (2024)
Shared autonomous electric vehicle dispatch with mobility and distribution system resilience benefits.
IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC 2024), College Station, TX.
- Xu, L., K. Bathgate, J. Robbennolt, J. Sun, S. Pan, Z. Han, and S. D. Boyles. (2024)
Understanding the utilization of real-time traffic information during hurricane evacuations in Texas.
103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Boyles, S. D., and H. Bar-Gera. (2023)
Departure time models with separable supply.
9th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Evanston, IL.
- Boyles, S. D., and H. Bar-Gera. (2023)
Departure time models with separable supply.
102nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Patil, P. R. Walthall, and S. D. Boyles. (2022)
Budget-constrained rail network electrification problem.
101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Chauhan, D. R., A. Unnikrishnan, M. Figliozzi, and S. D. Boyles. (2022)
Robust multi-period maximum coverage facility location problem considering coverage reliability.
101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Chauhan, D. R., A. Unnikrishnan, and S. D. Boyles. (2022)
Maximum profit facility location and dynamic resource allocation for instant delivery logistics.
101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Patil, P., and S. D. Boyles. (2022)
A fresh look at symmetric traffic assignment and algorithm convergence.
101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Yahia, C. N., N. Zuniga Garcia, R. B. Machemehl, and S. D. Boyles. (2021)
CapRemap: Equity Analysis and Impact on Scooter Ridership.
18th Conference on Transportation Planning Applications, Transportation Research Board.
- Yahia, C. N., and S. D. Boyles. (2021)
Peak-load pricing and demand management for ridesharing platforms.
8th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA2020), deferred to Summer 2021 due to COVID-19. (Virtual.)
- Himpe, W., Boyles, S. D., and C. Tampère. (2021)
Ensemble-based dynamic traffic modeling with empirical traffic data.
8th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA2020), deferred to Summer 2021 due to COVID-19. (Virtual.)
- Alexander, W., C. Liao, R. Thakkar, K. Velayutham, and S. D. Boyles. (2021)
Network assignment-based estimation of origin-destination matrices with a full travel demand model.
100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. (Virtual.)
- Gokalp, C., P. Patil, and S. D. Boyles. (2021)
Post-disaster recovering sequencing strategy for road networks.
100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. (Virtual.)
- Patil, P., C. Liao, and S. D. Boyles. (2021)
Effects of origin-destination matrix errors on user equilibrium in networks.
100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. (Virtual.)
- Yahia, C. N., and S. D. Boyles. (2021)
Peak-load pricing and demand management for ridesourcing platforms.
100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. (Virtual.)
- Zhu, T., and S. D. Boyles. (2021)
The capacitated vehicle routing problem with drones considering stochastic demands and restricted return trip.
100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. (Virtual.)
- Pandey, V., E. Wang, and S. D. Boyles. (2020)
Deep reinforcement learning algorithm for dynamic pricing of express lanes with multiple access locations.
99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Yahia, C. N., G. de Veciana, M. Stecklein, J. A. Rahal, and S. D. Boyles. (2020)
Book ahead and performance management for ridesharing platforms.
99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Zhu, T., S. D. Boyles, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2020)
Electric vehicle traveling salesman problem with drone.
99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Patil, P., K. Ross, and S. D. Boyles. (2020)
Convergence behavior for traffic assignment characterization metrics.
99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Chauhan, D. R., A. Unnikrishnan, M. Figliozzi, and S. D. Boyles. (2020)
Robust maximum coverage facility location problem with drones considering uncertainties in battery availability and consumption.
99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Sharon, G., S. Alkoby, S. D. Boyles, and P. Stone. (2019)
Marginal cost pricing with a fixed error factor in traffic networks.
18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2019), Montreal, Canada.
- Hanna, J. P., G. Sharon, S. D. Boyles, and P. Stone. (2019)
Selecting compliant agents for opt-in micro-tolling.
33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19), Honolulu, HI.
- Boyles, S. D., and N. Ruiz Juri. (2019)
Queue spillback and demand uncertainty in dynamic network loading.
98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Pandey, V., and S. D. Boyles. (2019)
Comparing route choice models for managed lane networks with multiple entrances and exits.
98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Yahia, C. N., S. Scott, S. D. Boyles, and C. Claudel. (2019)
Unmanned aerial vehicle path planning for traffic estimation and detection of non-recurrent congestion.
98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Patel, R., P. Venkatraman, and S. D. Boyles. (2019)
Optimal placement of reservation-based intersections in urban networks.
98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Zhu, T., N. Ruiz Juri, S. D. Boyles, K. Perrine, A. Chen, and Y. Li. (2019)
An efficient simulation framework for estimating work-zone impacts.
98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Gokalp, C., and S. D. Boyles. (2019)
Mean-standard deviation model for minimum cost flow problem.
98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Pandey, V., and S. D. Boyles. (2018)
Multiagent reinforcement learning algorithm for distributed dynamic pricing of managed lanes.
21st International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC18), Lahaina, HI.
- Mirzaei, H., G. Sharon, S. D. Boyles, T. Givargis, and P. Stone. (2018)
Enhanced delta-tolling: traffic optimization via policy gradient reinforcement learning.
21st International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC18), Lahaina, HI.
- Mirzaei, H., G. Sharon, S. D. Boyles, T. Givargis, and P. Stone. (2018)
Link-based parameterized micro-tolling scheme for optimal traffic management.
17th Annual Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2018), Stockholm, Sweden.
- Boyles, S., and N. Ruiz Juri. (2018)
Understanding the tradeoffs between DTA models’ realism and robustness: the impact of spillback modeling.
7th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA2018), Hong Kong, China.
- Sharon, G., M. Albert, T. Rambha, S. D. Boyles, and P. Stone. (2018)
Traffic optimization for a mixture of self-interested and compliant agents.
32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18), New Orleans, LA.
- Yahia, C., V. Pandey, and S. D. Boyles. (2018)
Network partitioning algorithms for solving the traffic assignment problem using a decomposition approach.
97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Xie, C., X. Wu, and S. D. Boyles. (2018)
Path-constrained traffic assignment: continuously distributed bounds on travel weights.
97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Pandey, V., and S. D. Boyles. (2018)
Dynamic pricing for managed lanes with multiple entrances and exits.
97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Pandey, V., J. Li, C. Yahia, and S. D. Boyles. (2018)
Evaluation of active traffic management (ATM) strategies under recurring and non-recurring congestion: an IH-35 corridor case study.
97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Sharon, G., J. P. Hanna, T. Rambha, M. W. Levin, M. Albert, S. D. Boyles, and P. Stone. (2017)
Real-time adaptive tolling scheme for optimized social welfare in traffic networks.
16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2017), São Paulo, Brazil.
- Jafari, E., and S. D. Boyles. (2017)
Online charging and routing of electric vehicles in stochastic time-varying networks.
96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC>
- Levin, M., and S. D. Boyles. (2017)
Pressure-based policies for reservation-based intersection control.
96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Melson, C., M. Levin, and S. D. Boyles. (2017)
Modeling cooperative adaptive cruise control in dynamic traffic assignment.
96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Rambha, T., S. D. Boyles, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2017)
Minimum expected revenue system optimum tolls under supply-side uncertainty.
96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Levin, M., S. D. Boyles, and T. Rambha. (2016)
Pressure-based policies for reservation-based intersection control.
6th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA2016), Sydney, Australia.
- Sharon, G., J. Hanna, T. Rambha, M. Albert, P. Stone, and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
Delta-tolling: adaptive tolling for optimizing traffic throughput.
9th International Workshop on Agents in Traffic and Transportation (ATT 2016), New York, NY.
- Rambha, T., and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
Reinforcement learning approaches for dynamic congestion pricing in day-to-day network models.
95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Jafari, E., T. Rambha, A. Khani, and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
The for-profit dial-a-ride problem on dynamic networks.
95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Patel, R., M. W. Levin, and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
Effects of autonomous vehicle behavior on arterial and freeway networks.
95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Duell, M., M. W. Levin, S. D. Boyles, and S. T. Waller. (2016)
The impact of autonomous vehicles on traffic management: the case of dynamic lane reversal.
95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Levin, M. W., T. Li, S. D. Boyles, and K. Kockelman. (2016)
General framework for modeling shared autonomous vehicles.
95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Perrine, K., M. W. Levin, M. Duell, and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
Implications of traffic signal security on potential deliberate traffic disruptions.
95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Shahabi, M., A. Tafreshian, A. Unnikrishnan, and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
Joint production-inventory-location problem with correlated demand.
95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Jafari, E., V. Pandey, and S. D. Boyles. (2016)
Static traffic assignment: a decentralized approach.
95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Simoni, M., P. Bujanovic, S. D. Boyles, and C. M. Walton. (2015)
Heuristic toolbox for the optimal location, routing, and fleet choice of urban consolidation centers.
2015 Urban Freight and Behavior Change Conference (URBE 2015), Rome, Italy.
- Duell, M., M. W. Levin, S. D. Boyles, and S. T. Waller. (2015)
System optimal dynamic lane reversal for autonomous vehicles.
2015 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2015), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
- Boyles, S. D., L. M. Gardner, and H. Bar-Gera. (2015)
Incorporating departure time choice into high-occupancy/toll (HOT) algorithm evaluation.
21st International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT21), Kobe, Japan.
- Mousa, M., M. Abdulaal, S. D. Boyles, and C. Claudel. (2015)
Wireless sensor network-based urban traffic monitoring using inertial reference data.
International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS 2015), Fortaleza, Brazil.
- Agrawal, S., S. D. Boyles, N. Jiang, M. Shahabi, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2015)
A network route choice model for BEV drivers with different risk attitudes.
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Beduhn, T., A. Khani, and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
Reliable routing in a schedule-based transit network.
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Levin, M. W., and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
Effects of autonomous vehicle ownership on trip, mode, and route choice.
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Levin, M. W., E. Jafari, and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
Network-based model for predicting transit elasticity with fuel price.
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Rambha, T., and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
Applications of dynamic pricing in day-to-day equilibrium models.
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Mousa, M., M. Abdulaal, S. D. Boyles, and C. Claudel. (2015)
Inertial measurement unit-based traffic monitoring using short-range wireless network sensors.
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Bansal, P., R. Shah, and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
Robust network pricing and system optimization under combined long-term stochasticity and elasticity of travel demand.
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Boyles, S. D., S. Tang, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2015)
Parking search equilibrium on a network.
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Levin, M. W., and S. D. Boyles. (2015)
Intersection auctions and reservation-based control in dynamic traffic assignment.
94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2015.
- Xie, C., X. Wu, and S. D. Boyles. (2014)
Network equilibrium of electric vehicles with stochastic range anxiety.
17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC14), Qingdao, China.
- Boyles, S. D., T. Rambha, and J. Duthie. (2014)
Demand uncertainty and optimism in planning forecasts.
INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Workshop, Chicago, IL.
- Boyles, S. D., S. Tang, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2014)
Dynamic traffic assignment and the parking search process.
5th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA2014), Salerno, Italy.
- Jin, J. and S. D. Boyles. (2014)
Travel time transmission model for dynamic network loading.
93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Tang, S., T. Rambha, R. Hatridge, S. D. Boyles, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2014)
Modeling parking search on a network using stochastic shortest paths with history dependence.
93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Venkatraman, R., S. D. Boyles, R. James, and A. Unnikrishnan. (2014)
Adaptive routing behavior with real-time information under multiple travel objectives.
93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Boyles, S. D., T. Rambha, and C. Xie. (2014)
Equilibrium analysis of low-conflict network designs.
93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Shahabi, M., A. Unnikrishnan, and S. D. Boyles. (2014)
New algorithm for nonadditive shortest-path problem.
93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Mishra, S., S. Sharma, M. Golias, and S. D. Boyles. (2014)
Optimal investment decision-making strategies for safety improvements to urban intersections.
93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Mishra, S., S. Sharma, M. Golias, and S. D. Boyles. (2014)
Economic competitiveness and equity-based safety improvement allocation model for urban intersections.
93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Bringardner, J., M. Gemar, S. D. Boyles, and R. B. Machemehl. (2014)
Establishing the variation of dynamic traffic assignment results using subnetwork origin-destination matrices.
Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Gemar, M., J. Bringardner, S. D. Boyles, and R. B. Machemehl. (2014)
Subnetwork analysis for dynamic traffic assignment models: strategy for estimating demand at subnetwork boundaries.
Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Gardner, L. M., S. D. Boyles, H. Bar-Gera, and K. Tang. (2014)
Robust tolling schemes for high-occupancy-toll facilities under variable demand.
93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Duthie, J. C., S. D. Boyles, R. Shah, and M. Necessary. (2013)
Impacts of network connectivity on multimodal travel metrics.
ASCE Conference on T&DI’s 2nd Green Streets, Highways and Development, Austin, TX, 262--283.
- Carlino, D., S. D. Boyles, and P. Stone. (2013)
Auction-based autonomous intersection management.
16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC13), The Hague, Netherlands.
- Melson, C., R. B. Machemehl, and S. D. Boyles. (2013)
Modeling the traffic impacts of transit facilities using dynamic traffic assignment.
92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Zhang, T., and S. D. Boyles. (2013)
Modeling combined travel choices of electric vehicle drivers with a variational inequality network formulation.
92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Melson, C., J. Duthie, and S. D. Boyles. (2013)
The influence of bridge facility attributes on bicycle travel behavior.
92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Boyles, S. D. (2013)
Improved bush-based sensitivity analysis in network equilibrium.
92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Gardner, L. M., H. Bar-Gera, and S. D. Boyles. (2013)
An evaluation framework for high-occupancy-toll lanes.
92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Tang, S., S. D. Boyles, and N. Jiang. (2013)
The combined distribution and stochastic assignment problem with distance constraint.
92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Rambha, T., and S. D. Boyles. (2013)
Adaptive transit routing in stochastic time-dependent networks.
92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2013.
- Nezamuddin and S. D. Boyles. (2012)
A continuous DUE algorithm using the link transmission model.
4th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA2012), Martha’s Vineyard, MA.
- Boyles, S. D. (2012)
An exact label-correcting method for the online shortest path problem in cyclic networks.
91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Boyles, S. D. (2011)
Subnetwork trip table generation with bush-based sensitivity analysis.
90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2011.
- Saha, P., R. Liu, and S. D. Boyles. (2011)
Pricing model for rural roadway networks incorporating pavement deterioration and repair.
90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Boyles, S. D. (2011)
A comparison of interpolation methods for missing traffic volume data.
90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Boyles, S. D. (2010)
Network contraction for rapid equilibrium assessment.
7th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VII), Tromsø, Norway.
- Gardner, L. M., S. D. Boyles, and S. T. Waller. (2010)
Congestion pricing for transportation networks under supply and demand uncertainty.
89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Boyles, S. D., K. Kockelman, and S. T. Waller. (2009)
Congestion pricing under operational, supply-side uncertainty.
88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Boyles, S. D., A. Voruganti, and S. T. Waller. (2009)
The impact of roadway capacity and travel demand variation on freeway travel speed distributions.
88th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Boyles, S. D., and S. T. Waller. (2008)
The impact of utility function choice in online shortest paths.
87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Boyles, S. D., A. Karoonsoontawong, D. Fajardo, and S. T. Waller. (2008)
A two-phase model of ramp closure for incident management.
87th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Boyles, S. D., and S. T. Waller. (2007)
Online routing with nonlinear disutility functions with arc cost dependencies.
6th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN VI), Phuket, Thailand.
- Boyles, S. D., D. Fajardo, and S. T. Waller. (2007)
A naïve Bayesian classifier for incident duration prediction.
86th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Boyles, S. D., S. Ukkusuri, S. T. Waller, and K. Kockelman. (2006)
A comparison of static and dynamic traffic assignment in the Dallas-Fort Worth region.
Innovations in Travel Demand Modeling Conference, Transportation Research Board, Austin, TX.
- Boyles, S. D., S. Ukkusuri, S. T. Waller, and K. Kockelman. (2006)
Examining the benefits of accounting for traffic dynamics in congestion pricing applications.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the 85th Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Technical Reports
- Pandey, V., E. Wang, and S. D. Boyles. (2020)
Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Dynamic Pricing of Express Lanes with Multiple Access Locations.
Data-Supported Transportation Operations and Planning Center report D-STOP/2020/153.
- Patel, R., P. Venkatraman, and S. D. Boyles. (2020)
Optimal Placement of Reservation-Based Intersections in Urban Networks.
Data-Supported Transportation Operations and Planning Center report D-STOP/2020/152.
- Boyles, S. D., P. Patil, V. Pandey, and C. Yahia. (2018)
Beyond Political Boundaries: Constructing Network Models for Megaregion Planning.
Cooperative Mobilities for Competitive Megaregions Center report CM2-11.
- Kockelman, K., S. D. Boyles, P. Sturgeon, C. Claudel, L. Loftus-Otway, W. Wagner, D. Stewart, G. Sharon, M. Albert, P. Stone, J. Hanna, Y. Huang, K. M. Gurumurthy, D. He, A. Mohamed, R. Patel, T. Lei, M. Simoni, and S. Yarmohammadisatri. (2018)
Bringing Smart Transport to Texans: Ensuring the Benefits of a Connected and Autonomous Transport System in Texas (Phase 2) --- Final Report.
Texas Department of Transportation Report FHWA/TX-18/0-6838-3.
- Boyles, S. D., C. Bhat, J. Duthie, N. Jiang, F. Dias, E. Jafari, V. Pandey, A. Singh, and C. Yahia. (2017)
Methods for Improving Consistency between Statewide and Regional Planning Models.
Texas Department of Transportation Report FHWA/TX-17/0-6900-1.
- Boyles, S. D., C. M. Walton, J. Duthie, E. Jafari, N. Jiang, A. Khani, J. Li, J. Osorio, V. Pandey, T. Rambha, and C. Yahia. (2017)
A Planning Tool for Active Traffic Management Combining Microsimulation and Dynamic Traffic Assignment.
Texas Department of Transportation Report FHWA/TX-17/0-6859-1.
- Kockelman, K., S. D. Boyles, P. Stone, D. Fagnant, R. Patel, M. W. Levin, G. Sharon, M. Simoni, M. Albert, H. Fritz, R. Hutchinson, P. Bansal, G. Domnenko, P. Bujanovic, B. Kim, E. Pourrahmani, S. Agrawal, T. Li, J. Hanna, A. Nichols, and J. Li. (2017)
An Assessment of Autonomous Vehicles: Traffic Impacts and Infrastructure Needs --- Final Report.
Texas Department of Transportation report FHWA/TX-17/0-6847-1.
- Kockelman, K., L. Loftus-Otway, D. Stewart, A. Nichols, W. Wagner, S. D. Boyles, M. W. Levin, J. Liu, K. Perrine, S. Kilgore, and K. M. Gurumurthy. (2017)
Best Practices for Modifying Transportation Design, Planning, and Project Evaluation in Texas.
Texas Department of Transportation report FHWA/TX-17/0-6847-P1.
- Kockelman, K., S. D. Boyles, P. Avery, C. Claudel, L. Loftus-Otway, D. Fagnant, P. Bansal, M. W. Levin, Y. Zhao, J. Liu, L. Clements, W. Wagner, D. Stewart, G. Sharon, M. Albert, P. Stone, J. Hanna, R. Patel, H. Fritz, T. Choudhary, T. Li, A. Nichols, K. Sharma, and M. Simoni. (2016)
Bringing Smart Transport to Texans: Ensuring the Benefits of a Connected and Autonomous Transport System in Texas --- Final Report.
Texas Department of Transportation report FHWA/TX-16/0-6838-2.
- Boyles, S. D., and M. W. Levin. (2016)
Improved Traffic Operations through Real-Time Data Collection and Control.
Center for Transportation Research report D-STOP/2016/108.
- Kockelman, K., P. Avery, P. Bansal, S. D. Boyles, P. Bujanovic, T. Choudhary, L. Clements, G. Domnenko, D. Fagnant, J. Helsel, R. Hutchinson, M. W. Levin, J. Li, T. Li, L. Loftus-Otway, A. Nichols, M. Simoni, and D. Stewart. (2016)
Implications of Connected and Automated Vehicles on the Safety and Operations of Roadway Networks: A Final Report.
Texas Department of Transportation report FHWA/TX-16/0-6849-1.
- Kockelman, K., L. Loftus-Otway, D. Stewart, A. Nichols, W. Wagner, J. Li, S. D. Boyles, M. W. Levin, and J. Liu. (2016)
Best Practices Guidebook for Preparing Texas for Connected and Automated Vehicles.
Texas Department of Transportation report FHWA/TX/0-6849-P1.
- Boyles, S. D. (2015)
Transit Demand and Routing after Autonomous Vehicle Availability.
Center for Transportation Research report D-STOP/2016/104.
- Hall, K., K. Kockelman, A. Mullins, T. D. Chen, D. Fagnant, and S. D. Boyles. (2014)
Developing Tolled-Route Demand Estimation Capabilities for Texas: Opportunities for Enhancement of Existing Models.
Texas Department of Transportation report FHWA/TX-14/0-6754-1.
- Boyles, S. D., C. Melson, T. Rambha, and J. Duthie. (2014)
Game-Theoretic Analysis of Dynamic Traffic Equilibria.
Southwest Region University Transportation Center report SWUTC/14/600451-00079-1.
- Boyles, S. D. (2013)
Statewide Mesoscopic Simulation for Wyoming.
Wyoming Department of Transportation report FHWA-WY-13/05F.
- Rambha, T., and S. D. Boyles. (2013)
Game Theory and Traffic Assignment.
Southwest Region University Transportation Center report SWUTC/13/600451-00065-1.
- Duthie, J. C,. Nezamuddin, N. Ruiz-Juri, T. Rambha, C. Melson, C. M. Pool, S. D. Boyles, S. T. Waller, and R. Kumar. (2013)
Investigating Regional Dynamic Traffic Assignment Modeling for Improved Bottleneck Analysis.
Texas Department of Transportation report FHWA/TX-13/0-6657-1.
- Kockelman, K. D. Fagnant, B. Nichols, and S. D. Boyles. (2012)
A Project Evaluation Toolkit (PET) for Abstracted Networks.
Texas Department of Transportation report 0-6487-1.
- Boyles, S. D., and P. Saha. (2012)
An Optimization Model for Roadway Pricing on Rural Freeways.
Mountain-Plains Consortium report MPC-12-246.
- Boyles, S. D., L. M. Gardner, and S. T. Waller. (2010)
Robust Pricing of Transportation Networks Under Uncertainty.
Southwest University Transportation Center report SWUTC/10/169206-1.
- Boyles, S. D., A. Voruganti, and S. T. Waller. (2010)
Quantifying Travel Time Variability in Transportation Networks.
Southwest University Transportation Center report SWUTC/10/167275-1.
- Waller, S. T., Kockelman, K., D. Sun, S. D. Boyles, D.-Y. Lin, M. Ng, S. Seraj, M. Tassabehji, V. Valsaraj, and X. Wang. (2008)
Archiving, Sharing, and Quantifying Reliability of Traffic Data.
Texas Department of Transportation report FHWA/TX-08/0-5686-1.
- Waller, S. T., S. D. Boyles, D. Fajardo, and A. Karoonsoontawong. (2007)
Ramp Closure Strategies for Incident Management.
Texas Department of Transportation report FHWA/TX-07/0-5422-1.
- Kockelman, K. K. Persad, S. T. Waller, S. Bansal, S. Boyles, P. Gulipalli, S. Kalmanje, and S. Ukkusuri. (2005)
Toll Road Project Selection and Evaluation of Impacts.
Texas Department of Transportation report FHWA/TX-05/0-4637-1.
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